Nose Knows Scouting
Dogs trained to detect PVY and BRR
PVY dogs can detect infected potatoes in both tubers and plant material. BRR dogs can detect ring rot on any surface as well as potatoes.
About Us
There is a reason dogs are used to detect bombs, it is the best technology and most accurate. Nose Knows Scouting has taken the same model and applied it agriculture. We have trained dogs that detect PVY and have BRR dogs coming. Know when you have a disease before visual symptoms and loss. With BRR all your equipment, shoes, facility etc can be scanned for BRR simply by walking us by it. Want to save us a trip? Simply mail us a sample and we will have results as soon as the sample is received.

My Services

Storage Scouting
Dogs scout your storages from below (in the plenums), from samples you pick and from filter paper from above. They never touch your inventory so there is no food safety issue.
The dogs can run your storage plenums as well as samples from your bins.
Field Scouting including volunteer fields
Know if you have a problem in the field or before you plant.
The dogs can scout planted fields or volunteer fields to see if you have the disease present
Equipment Scouting
Dogs will go over all your equipment and potatoes to ensure you are free from BRR.
Unlike samples that cover 1% dogs can go over all your equipment, storages, trucks, bins etc. to tell you if BRR is present.
Mail in samples: PVY-$5 per sample (as many as you can get into a quart paint can) $10 for BRR samples. For less than 10 samples there is a $30 set up fee. Bulk discounts.
Farm scouting-Please call for pricing. Pricing based on availiblity. All travel costs are additional.